Academic background
- International Baccalaureate from the Munich International School, Germany
- Joint Degree in International Management and Modern Languages at the University of Bath, England and WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany
- 5 years of sales experience in the media, online advertising and software industry
- Entered the world of recruitment in 2004 and has remained loyal to the industry since.
- 1 year of IT contract recruitment
- Successful first mover in building the Central European ICT division for an international recruitment company
- Leading and managing the ICT practice for an international recruitment company during 2009-2012 (“Manager of the Year Award 2010”)
- Since 2012, overall management and responsibility of the Central European business operations based in Munich for an international recruitment company. During this time, led a team of up to 15 employees and specialised recruitment experts in the fields of ICT, Semiconductors & Automotive (top performing company office for the sales year 2014/15).
Personal background
- British Citizen
- Grew up bilingually (English & German) in Munich, Germany
- Happily married with 3 wonderful children
- Skiing, basketball, rock-climbing, mountain biking, windsurfing, playing piano and cooking